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OSM Chartered Surveyors provide specialist advice in Rights of Light, Daylight and Sunlight, Overshadowing and Party Wall matters

Right of Light Contours 0.2% Injury London OSM Injunction Loss
Rights of Light

OSM Chartered Surveyors have extensive knowledge and experience in providing Rights of Light advice at all levels. 

Rights of Light is an easement that entitles a building to a minimum adequate level of sky visibility. To have a right to light, the building must be of sufficient age or have been granted the right by legal agreement.

OSM use specialist analytical software to calculate and assess potential light loss at a building. When a right to light injury is caused, we advise our clients on the appropriate legal remedies available, taking into consideration the current case law.

We advise our clients at all stages of development, from pre-acquisition risk management advice, through to production of technical 3D computer analysis, technical reports, and negotiating settlements, where appropriate.

We also prepare and implement Light Obstruction Notices (LON's).

OSM Daylight Sunlight BRE Guidance Window Room Consultant Surveyor
Daylight and Sunlight

OSM Chartered Surveyors have extensive knowledge and experience in providing high level Daylight and Sunlight advice on schemes of all sizes and complexities.

Daylight and Sunlight is an increasingly important consideration for most Planning Applications where the Local Planning Authority require a report to show the potential impact on neighbouring properties and also to demonstrate that the new residential development meets the current standards as recommended by the Building Research Establishment (BRE) and British Standards (BS).

OSM use specialist analytical software to calculate daylight and sunlight levels at both existing and proposed buildings. 

We can provide advice from the initial feasibility stage, including a development envelope to assist with maximising the development potential, through to preparing a report to support the planning application. 

We also provide daylight and sunlight analysis and reporting to form part of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

Overshadowing sunlight garden OSM loss trees shade shadow overshadow transient

OSM Chartered Surveyors are experienced in dealing with Overshadowing matters relating to new developments. 

Overshadowing can be a key issue in schemes that are located close to residential gardens or other amenity spaces such as sitting out areas, recreation areas or playgrounds.

The Local Planning Authority may require an overshadowing assessment to show the potential impact on neighbouring gardens or other amenity spaces to demonstrate that the new development meets the recommendations set out by the Building Research Establishment (BRE).

OSM can prepare detailed technical assessments to predict the sun path and determine the level of overshadowing from a new development, illustrating any areas that would be in permanent shadow.

We provide overshadowing reports to support planning applications, including those required to form part of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).


Party Wall Award Surveyor Dispute Notice OSM Injunction Next Door Neighbour
Party Walls

OSM Chartered Surveyors have a wealth of experience and knowledge in dealing with complex Party Wall matters, particularly in Central London. 

In England and Wales, The Party Wall etc. Act 1996 covers specific building work to party walls or excavations close to neighbouring buildings. If these building works are notifiable, then the party carrying out the building work is required to serve a notice regarding the intended work on their neighbour(s).  The Party Wall Act sets out the procedure to be followed before the building works may commence. 

OSM can provide advice and guidance on dealing with the required procedure under the Party Wall Act for both the Building Owner (the Developer) and the Adjoining Owner (the Neighbour).

We have excellent knowledge and experience in administering the Party Wall Act, as well as in construction detailing and practice which can be beneficial to owners wishing to avoid potential delays to their development. 

OSM Chartered Surveyors London Daylight Sunlight Rights of Light Party Walls

© 2018 OSM Surveyors Ltd. Registered Company  Regulated by RICS

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